District Requirements
Districts seeking to adopt the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate are encouraged to consider how the certificate connects with the mission of the school district and how to best communicate the value of the certificate as it relates to the community served. In addition, school district personnel are responsible for:
- Notifying the State Board annually of their intent to offer the certificate
- Publicizing the requirements of the certificate to students
- Submitting a summary report at the end of the school year
School Districts must notify the Illinois State Board of a school district’s intent to award the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate by October 1st of each school year. As part of this notification, the school district must:
- List the names and contact information of at least two individuals who serve on the school district’s Global Scholar Committee.
- Ensure that Global Scholar Committee members have received proper training.
Year End Report
Within 30 days after the last day of regular classes in the academic year, a school must provide a report that includes:
- A description of the scoring method used to score the Global Scholar Capstone Performance-based Assessment (Individual Scoring or Peer Scoring)
- A list of the names and course descriptions of all courses designated as “globally-focused” as described in subsection
- The total number of students who submitted materials to be considered for Illinois Global Scholar recognition and the number of students who received the score of pass
- A description how the school will administered and guided students to complete the Illinois Global Scholar Capstone Performance-based Assessment (i.e.as a standalone capstone course taught by school faculty, an independent study course supervised faculty, as part of an extracurricular club overseen by faculty, as part of a dual-credit course, etc.) as described in Illinois State Board rules.
- A copy of promotional materials used to inform students of the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate program and its requirements
- Results of required evaluation surveys to students and educators participating in the Illinois Global Scholar program. (Surveys will be used to evaluate the program as a whole and will not be linked to specific students, staff, or school districts.)
District Publication Requirements
Participating school districts must communicate information about the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate program to parents and students by posting on the district’s website (if the school district has a website) and the student handbook. Included in this communication must be:
- General information about the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate program and the opportunity for students to participate.
- A description of each of the requirements students need to complete in order to receive the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate.
- A complete list of opportunities available in the district that will meet the requirements including
- A listing of all courses designated by the school district as globally-focused
- A listing of all opportunities offered by the school district that will meet the globally-focused service requirement
- A listing of all opportunities offered by the school district that will meet the global collaboration or dialogue requirement, as described in Illinois State Board rules.
- A complete description of the Capstone Project Performance-based Assessment steps and requirements, as described in Illinois State Board rules.
- A link to the State Board’s website describing the requirements for the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate.
- A description of the process a student would use to demonstrate global competence.
- An estimate of the costs, if known, that students might incur to complete the requirements listed in subsection
- The names and contact information for any individuals designated to serve as Global Scholar Committee members of the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate.